
School Uniform
The school uniform consists of:
· Navy cardigan/jumper
· Navy skirt/pinafore/trousers
· Blue shirt and red tie
Black or dark shoes should be worn with the uniform. Junior and Senior Infants (and pupils in older classes who are unable to tie laces) are required to only wear shoes with Velcro fastening. Pupils may wear the school tracksuit or the school uniform. The school tracksuit consists of:
· Dark/navy blue sweatshirt with crest
· Dark/navy blue tracksuit bottoms
· Light blue polo shirt.
Crested items can be purchased from 'Loop Clothing', Greenhills Industrial Estate, Drogheda, 'School Uniform Shop', Mell, Drogheda or 'Bestwear', Shop Street, Drogheda. Generic uniform items are available from any large retailer, such as Dunnes Stores, Lidl, Aldi, Tesco, Penneys. Crests are available for €5.00 from the school office if you want to sew them onto jumpers/sweatshirts.
School tracksuits must be worn on PE days. A change of footwear is required to play in the school field (senior classes). Shorts must be knee length or football shorts (dark navy, black or grey only).
· Earrings: Stud Earrings are permitted. Children may be asked to remove them or cover them during school lessons due to Health and Safety.
· Hair should be tied back from the eyes. Long hair must be tied up.
· Make Up: No make-up or nail varnish allowed. A note will be sent home requesting your child not to wear it again.
Parents will be advised by written note if their children do not comply with this dress code.